Bonnies vs. Colgate


Today in my Photojournalism class, we had to take some pictures and put them onto one sheet. This was practice for our final assignment. My professor told us to take three photos that we had shot and had currently available and toss something together. This was my result. It wasn’t totally horrible, so here ya go, WordPress.




We won, and it was quite the game.

With love, XOXO.


(c) 2014 Jessica M. Miller, all rights reserved.

Remembrance at St. Bonaventure


I know that this is posted rather late, but I was just thinking about assignments I have done and thought of a rather interesting photo I took. On 9/11, we had a remembrance service on campus. In Photojournalism, I was tasked to take a picture during the service. Here is the image I took.

Students reflect on 9/11

This is Ben Barnhart taking a moment to pause over the carnations students and faculty placed onto a memorial. The service was very touching, as was this moment.

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