With love, not hate.


Like most articles I read online, I saw a link to this video on Facebook. Two people meet for the first time. Then, after exchanging pleasantries, one of them shares a secret with the other.

Now, as a journalism and mass communication major, when I see something like this, it makes me hopeful and enraged and inspired. You see, the people in these video? They are just that. People. Beautiful people with beautiful stories and beautiful emotions. Which leads me to why this video sparks so many different emotions within me.

These people want a better life. These people might not know they are doing anything wrong. And on television and through politics, we portray these people as an evil type that needs to be eliminated. We demonize these people for wanting exactly what we wanted when our ancestors first came here: freedom; a new start; an opportunity.

I understand that there are some serious issues raised within our nation regarding illegal immigrants. From health care to education to voting and taxes…I will agree that we need to have some sort of consistent policy regarding the issues. But dehumanizing these people in order to make them look or seem evil and uncaring and just wanting to pull one over on the US of A? That’s just…wrong.

If you knew that you could have an opportunity for a better life for you or your family…wouldn’t you do it? Wouldn’t you do anything for the ones you love?

It’s time to take a step back and look at these people as individuals who we can help. We can change their lives. Hopefully make it better. We should stop looking at them as criminals or no-good slackers or as abusers of the system. It’s time to look at them for what they truly are: people.

With love, XOXO.